Bashar video on negative limiting beliefs

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Re: Bashar video on negative limiting beliefs

Post by xcfastdude »

Damn man those chicks are hot :twisted: :twisted:
David Blaine never ceases to amaze me.
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Re: Bashar video on negative limiting beliefs

Post by Binra »

What you think you think consciously is not truly conscious if it is part of masking what you actually think. You make your own 'matrix' illusion in which to hide - until you awaken from that perspective that can SEE the negative beliefs that are in effect operating as a mask. Choices you are aware of making can be changed for better ones. It's up to you.
Google bashar black box and find the pdf someone's put out. Its very practical as is most all Bashar offers - but not as a to do list - so much a wake up and notice what you are already doing list!
BTW I've just come in here and see a lot of complaining negativity - what can reflect from negatively expressed intent but negative results. If its a fucked up world - does that reflect a fucked up way of looking? No blame - just opening the door to look at mind rather than react unmindfully.
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Re: Bashar video on negative limiting beliefs

Post by IsabelaMA »

Oh, great video!
I didn't know about him
Thanks for sharing! :P :P :P
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