High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

:shock: :o Wait...what do I see??

Is that my 3rd..... 2/16 YESSSS WOOHOOO :SupNap: :SupNap:

Alright, see you guys at Xmas for the 4th one. :twisted:

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

And a 4th one
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

And now a 5th one...
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I noticed that I was going nowhere with this method, waiting 1 hour to get a 2/16 was not the way to build a belief so something was off here but I couldn't figure out what.

I knew that there was some LBs left because I could still see all those close calls and I couldn't believe that my HM would be doing such a nasty teasing act and piss me off like this so I had to find a way to make the SM spit out which LBs were still hidden down there and didn't want to get cleaned.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures and I did something I picked up on the spiritual side which is to picture myself inside a big ball of light as if I was entering a giant 6 ft tall egg. They say the light pushes away negative entities/forces that could stop me from getting the true answers.

And... it worked!!! :shock: :lol:

As soon as I did this, the answers that I got from my SM changed as if it was forced to tell me the truth. :mrgreen:

What I learned is that I did actually clear all those 7,000, 8,000 and 9,000+ batches of LBs from all my main topics except for one topic left uncleaned and I think you can quickly see me coming here and guess which topic wasn't cleared... that's right... my own SM's beliefs to hold on to power and not let my HM control my vibration. :roll:

I finally cleared the entire 9,000+ LBs and then I learned that my HM had control over only 10% of my vibration and my SM controlled the other 90%. :evil: Looks like my SM doesn't like to share its toys.

By removing the LBs that all changed and the SM is now controlling only 16% and my HM is about to control 84% but that will take a few hours.

As of now, my HM is now controlling 29% on its way to 84% and that will take me to around 8 PM Est. but I should see some good roulette results before that as my HM gain more and more controlling power.

It makes perfect sense now because if I bet on #23, I know that my HM is sending me the vibration to win on #23 but at the very last second, my SM steps in and changes that vibration just a bit so that it's #24 that wins just to piss me and my HM off and say "Ah-ha... you thought you were in charge of the vibration... well... you're not :P ".

Fucking SM and it's stupid childish games. :roll:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Perun »

Yesterday I couldn't sleep. I guess I shifted (or started to shift) to the 4.92 track.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

Perun wrote:Yesterday I couldn't sleep. I guess I shifted (or started to shift) to the 4.92 track.
Been like that the whole week.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:
Perun wrote:Yesterday I couldn't sleep. I guess I shifted (or started to shift) to the 4.92 track.
Been like that the whole week.
Yeah, same with my mom, she puked all week long. :?

Let's see... so far on your way to 4.922 you are at...

- Virgo: 4.905
- Perun: 4.902
- AgentSmith: 4.911

So basically you will all arrive and lock in to 4.92 today.... congrats! :shock: 8-) :SupNap:

As for me, I found and clear all the...get this....35,000 LBs :shock: ... that were putting my SM in control of my vibration. :evil:

If I caught them all and this simply turns all the close calls into direct hit, then today is the day guys because I'm gonna start winning like crazy and the snowball will be growing downhill at a fury pace. :twisted:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by wojt864 »

hey, hey, what about me? ;)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

wojt864 wrote:hey, hey, what about me? ;)
Right, sorry, I don't think of you when I do this because you don't post a lot here. I just don't know if you come around here anymore. You might want to post a bit more if you want me to know that you come here every day. You know what they say "Out of sight...out of mind".

So.. you are at 4.904. :twisted:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by wojt864 »

I'm here every day :D
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