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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:00 pm
by Merlin
I won again but on spin #32 :?

Apparently, my HM needs some time to get used to the fact that's in charge of my vibration.

Fine with me.

Odds are now 1 in 3.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:06 pm
by Merlin
I won again but on spin 17 so slowly but surely my HM us getting used to this vibration control. It's telling me that it will take about 1 hour to actually match the vibration of winning once every 2 spins.

The belief has been built to win once every 2 spins but again my HM will take some time to digest all this.

Odds are now 1 in 2.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:25 pm
by Merlin
I won again but well over spin 50 so I asked a few questions.

It looks like my HM takes some time to adjust to this new task and I asked at what % he mastered it yet and got 69% so without that missing 31% my HM is not fully controlling where my vibration goes and that makes the ball land anywhere else than on my number.

I got another 20 min to wait for this. What else is new here...wait and just more wait and that's if I'm not being joked around. :roll:

I seem to have built my HM shifting belief at least regarding roulette because now the odds are 1 in 1. :twisted: :SupNap:

If this is not a joke then when my HM gets used to controlling this new vibration, I should be able to win on every spin. Can't wait to see this. :lol:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:31 pm
by Merlin
Won again on spin 11 :SupNap:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:34 pm
by Merlin
Won again on spin 6 :twisted:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:43 pm
by Merlin
Won again on spin 33.

Apparently it's a vibrational cycle shrinking more and more on every cycle. After winning over 50 spins it got better and then the down cycle kicked in and now I win once every 30+ spins and the next up cycle should be better and better and eventually that cycle will lock in to that odd of winning on every spin.

We'll see...

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:49 pm
by Merlin
Won again on spin 23. 8-)

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:04 pm
by Merlin
Won again on spin 22.

:o Ahhh Ok... I get it now.

When I was winning all these times in the past 3 days, I was building the belief to win this 16/16 and now that I have reached it this cycle of vibration is the shift in vibration to the track that I want to go to and actually see those win on every spin. When I stop moving up in vibration and lock in to that track THEN... I will start to see those wins.

It's always the same pattern again...

1- Change your beliefs by removing LBs and adding PBs
2- Start rising your vibration to change to higher tracks
3- Lock on permanently to that track
4- Manifest that goal

So right now I'm on step 2 getting closer to step 3. :twisted: :SupNap:

MT is telling me to stop and come back when those cycles will be done so around 5h40 Est.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:55 pm
by Merlin
Ok, I seem to have locked in to the track of winning at least 1/16 because that's what MT is telling me. I seem to have to repeat the same pattern but this time in 3D with REAL ODDS of winning 1 in 16 spins.

Then after each win, the odds should start to shrink again down to 1 win every spin.

We'll see about that... starting the test now...

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:03 pm
by Merlin
And a win after 20 spins. 8-)

Real Odds are now...1 in 13.