High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Perun wrote:I hate this. We're so close, yet we're so far away. :roll:
Yeah I know, it's the last 100m before the finish line and it feels like a 100 miles.

I just got the OK to do the 3rd wave so now it's just waiting.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

Well, at least you are getting wins right after a portion of cleaning, so this should keep us going. Remember the times we would be cleaning for weeks to get a 3/16, get excited and never see one for a month haha good times
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:Well, at least you are getting wins right after a portion of cleaning, so this should keep us going. Remember the times we would be cleaning for weeks to get a 3/16, get excited and never see one for a month haha good times
Oh yeah I remember. That damn Loser Track with all its LBs crashed all our projects before they even took off. :roll:

Btw, the testing should resume at 5 PM Est so in about 20 minutes if I don't find new ones popping in.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I tried to login to Dublinbet and it told me that my account was blocked! :shock: :lol: :lol:

It thought they banned me because I deposited only $100 back in 2008 when I opened my account but when I managed to win $4,500+ I quickly withdrew it right away and casinos don't like these guys. They want you to keep playing and lose it all but I didn't.

After contacting them they send me a new password and I was able to login...

THEY'LL BE SOOORRRYYYY.... MOUAHAHAHAHHA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Btw guys, if we get to that point when I tell you the next winning number, we will have to play this smart. 5-6 members CANNOT bet JUST ONE NUMBER and win and do that over and over again.... they will smell this from miles away and we will ALL be banned for good.

We will have to bet 5-6 numbers including the winning number and some times even bet 5-6 numbers WITHOUT betting the winning number.

Anyway, we will cross that bridge when we get there. :mrgreen:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Nope. played another 10 spins I didn't win anything so I will search for Hidden, Invisible LBs and their Roots.... once again. :roll:

MT is now telling me that the MT-HM link is only at 65% so the telephone line still has some static in it. I will investigate more on this and try to boost it.

Btw I did my 3 HM requests specifically on MT and winning more at roulette so at least something will build behind the scene and we'll see in 5-6 days if it pays off if of course nothing happens before that.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I started asking more questions on this "MT-HM link only at 65%" that MT was talking about earlier.

I learned that my HM connection is only at 34% and to master roulette (get 16/16) I need to be at least at 47%. To shift to another track (ex: 5.0) I need to be at 68% but I will only go to bed at 50%. Tomorrow (Saturday) night, I will go to bed at 68% but until I get to 47% first, not much will happen.

MT is telling me that I have NOTHING left to clear and I believe it because no matter how much I try to clear I can't seem to find any LBs to clear and I don't win anymore so I knew that my progression was stalled by something but I didn't know what, well now I know why.

I will reach 47% 1 hour before I go to bed so maybe if I'm lucky, I will see the progression continue and get that 16/16 because with odds of 1 in 5, I needed one win to move to odds of 1 in 3 and another win to go to odds of 1 in 2 and another win to finally reach the odds of 1 in 1 (16/16) so I was just a few minutes away from getting this goal but something was stopping me.

If I don't restart to win tonight then it should be when I woke up tomorrow.

True or false, I can't seem to win so might as well believe that and give it a chance, it's not like I will have to wait a week or more to find out about it.

I will post again if I see something change.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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My HM connection is now at 59% on its way to 68% where it will stay. My "MT-HM link" that I need to win at roulette is now at 96% so about 20 minutes from reaching the 100%.

So by now, the telephone line to my HM should be good and not have too much static and if I clear anything that shows up, I should be able to get to this 16/16 goal.

So this could be the day I've been waiting all these years, it's a bit nerve wrecking to be honest. :?

Oh well, let's see where I stand today...

MT is telling me to wait the 20 min to get the full HM power. Fine with me. I will check for LBs too and clear anything I find.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

After some deep questioning, I learned that EVERYTHING has been cleared.

- Roulette is at 100%
- Health is at 100%
- MT is at 100%
- My HM is also at 100% (well 68% in fact but it can't go any higher than that)
- Money is at 100%

Yesterday, when I couldn't win more at roulette, I checked and there was LBs on MT, Health, Money or my HM was not as powerful yet or my SM was blocking my HM-MT connection.

Well right now, like I said, EVERYTHING has been cleared expect for the SM's ability to block my HM's vibration just because my SM doesn't want my HM to control my life.

Simply out of fear basically, my SM holds the last piece of the puzzle and doesn't want to put it in place. :evil: And until my SM let's my HM vibration gets through, not much will happen.

If I ask how transparent my SM is right now the % I get is... 62% and I need it to be at 100% and let in ALL the vibration of my HM come down without filtering it even 1%.

I just asked more questions about it and my SM's transparency % is going up as I speak. It's now at 65% so I don't know what's going on "up there" but maybe my HM/Soul/OverSoul is telling my SM to get the fuck out of the way now and let the HM in charge of my overall vibration and slowly but surely my SM retracts its hold on me.

Apparently it will take 30 minutes for my SM to reach 100% and then my HM's vibration will start to reach me and roulette results should explode.

Stay tuned. ;) 8-)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I'm at 98% transparent now so a few more minutes and my HM could start to work without anything blocking him. At least that's the theory.

We will know in about 5 min or so.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Alright here we go again, hopefully for the last time. :roll:

Odds are 1 in 6... and I just won on spin #8 with the number #35 (what else :lol: ).

So far so good.

Odds are now 1 in 4...
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