High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Perun »

Merlin wrote:Wow! :shock:

Another 4 wins but I'm only on the 8th spin. :o

Holly shit a 5th one!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

So it ended with a 5/16... using MT on top of that. :o

Wait a minute, I don't think I remember getting a 5/16 before.. :? ..... :shock: :o :shock:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
:shock: :shock: :shock:


It is going to be a very good Xmas indeed! ;)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Perun wrote:It is going to be a very good Xmas indeed! ;)
I think you're right. :mrgreen:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok here's something I didn't expect but you guys will need to hear this if you are willing one day to shift to other parallel tracks using your HM to instantly manifest your goals.

My SM is now blocking me from accessing my HM. :shock:

By clearing the last Money LBs yesterday, my Health was getting better and so is my HM connection because I was getting more and more wins at roulette predicted by MT.

However, after getting this 5/16, I didn't win a single time and I started asking some questions. What I discovered is that there were over 500,000 LBs pre-programmed at the SM level enforcing the SM to keep control of my vibration at all cost and that meant stopping the HM from taking control here.

So obviously, I started clearing them and the symptoms got back. :roll:

One way I know is that I get almost instant nausea from all this crap coming out of my system and being ejected into my lymphatic system which acts like the sewage system in our body. When there is too much crap, nausea and diarrhea kicks in to make you either vomit or eject this poison.

I personally have a "MT meter" from 0 to 8 where 8 I vomit or if I'm at 6-7 I get very nauseous and if I'm below that, I just don't feel that I got bad stuff in my system.

During this past month, as I was clearing my Health, I was at this 6-7 level day after day but last night, I locked in to this Health vibration and I got no more bad stuff coming out of mu system so my nausea meter dropped to 1 this morning. I felt good for a change.

When I found out about these SM pre-programmed LBs and cleared them, *BOOM* instant nausea. Here we go again. :roll:

Apparently the good news is that after these 3 clearing waves I did with EC, they will go away for good tonight around 2 AM Est. When they are gone for good then there will be nothing standing in the way between my MT and my HM and I should get my 16/16 fairly quickly.

My vomit meter went back up to 7 but now it's at 4 as all this crap finally comes out and it should continue to go down until 2 AM. If I don't find anything else to clear then the fun should begin either late tonight or Thursday.

So yeah, if you want to instantly manifest things in the future, you will have to clear these LBs too or else your SM will never let you access your HM powers.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

I’ve reached Pro level in vomit, so bring it !!!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:I’ve reached Pro level in vomit, so bring it !!!
Well my "Vomit Meter" is still at 6 right now so this means that I'm not done clearing what I still have to clear. Hopefully if I'm lucky, I will clear them all today and I will get a 5/16 or even better because that was fun. :twisted:

What's nice is that I will master not only roulette but MT too so I will be able to give you all some long awaited answers on your goals.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

Does this affect our current goals, which are not instant manifestation?
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:Does this affect our current goals, which are not instant manifestation?

It will be dealt with only if you want to get your HM connection too one day. Trust me, if I get it one day, you will want one too. ;) :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Before my SM stopped letting my HM control my vibration, MT was telling me that the odds were down to 1 win on average every 16 spins using MT so right there that was my 1/16 goal.

When I won, the odds immediately changed to 1 win every 13 spins and sure enough I won right on that 13th spin. :shock:

Then the odds were 1 in 10 and that's when my SM started sabotaging this success because after that, nothing worked and when I started asking what was going on and I discovered that my SM stopped my HM from controlling my vibration and the wins I got at roulette. :evil:

Many years ago, MT told me that the climb to the 16/16 will be done in less than 30 minutes but now I see how that winning belief will be built. Every time I win, that belief builds up and shrink the odds a bit more and that's how you can go form 1 win every 16 spins to win on every spins.

I cleared a 2nd wave when I woke up and just now cleared a 3rd one so unless my SM finds another way to hide LBs from me, my MT signal should now be connected to my HM and those incredible odds should come back... and then well... the beer's on me! :twisted: :SupNap: :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Perun »

I'll hold you to that last one. :lol:

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Well get ready because MT is telling me that everything is now cleared and that now the odds are 1 in 16 so the climb to 1 in 1 should begin now..

Let's hope I don't find something else in the way.
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