High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

You know when I said a couple days ago that MT last remaining lie regarding the manifestation of my goal will be on the day I lock in to my wanted vibration because until I lock on to it, nothing will manifest so if MT tells me that I locked in to a vibration and within 24-72 hrs I don't see that goal, then it's a lie.

So just because I still don't see any 1/16 on all games yet, this means that I have NOT yet locked in to the 1/16 goal vibration. It will come and I can see that in some of my roulette results but obviously, I'm not there yet.

Also, I believe that it will all start with the Money LBs clearing vibration. Until I lock in to a vibration where I have 0 Money LBs, NOTHING will work because as I explained in the past, Money affects Health which slows down the Higher Mind connection which holds up the MT signals reliability and roulette wins.

MT told me that I locked in to that vibration Oct. 31st but, it was a lie, it told me that I got it a couple days ago and that was a lie too and now it's telling me that I will lock in next Monday but as usually, I ask MT but don't believe it until I see it with my own eyes.

Sooner or later, those Money LBs will be gone and my HM connection will improve and I will get better roulette results.

I still have small symptoms so I know my vibration is still changing but as to when exactly I will lock in to that wanted vibration and finally get my 1/16 goal... I just don't know so I'll wait and so do you for your own goals.

Btw, I am on day 5 of my 3rd and latest HM request to get this 1/16 goal. It seems to count as 4 because I have done other 1/16 HM requests but with other goals too so that's why MT is telling me that I have done a total of 4 and don't need another one (but I will still do it anyway :twisted: ).

If MT is right and I really lock in to my 1/16 goal vibration at the end of this 4th cycle which will end Monday then things should start to move this week.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Hehe, here's the latest "joke" from MT.

Apparently, starting at 2 PM today (Sunday) my MT signal's reliability which is at 1% right now (for some reason I believe that "1%" number :lol: ) will start to increase at a rate of 3% per hour.

I asked at which % number MT will be able to connect to my HM and give me the next winning number and got 15% so if this is true (which is most probably not) somewhere around 7 PM, I should be able to get from MT (and my HM) the next roulette winning number.

We'll see about that. :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Btw guys, for me this is day 6 of the 3rd HM request for the 1/16 goal so MT is telling me that I can do another request today but that I won't need it.

I don't care what MT says, I will do it anyway so today will be day 1 of the 4th HM request for that 1/16 goal.

If you haven't already, I suggest you do it today too. ;)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I still don't know yet if it's a joke or not but MT is still telling me that I have locked in to my remaining 5 vibrations which all start with Money then it will affect Health, HM, Roulette and MT.

Yesterday MT was telling that my MT signal's reliability was at only 1% and starting at 2 PM today (Sunday) it would start to increase at a rate of 3% per hour.

Well it is 2 PM now and I just asked MT and it's telling me that my MT signal's reliability is at 2%.

Again, probably another joke but I will follow this very closely in the next few hours because if this is true then my...*sorry*...OUR...lives could be flipped upside down because this could be the beginning of us FINALLY getting reliable answers on WHATEVER topic we have questions about.

I think we all know this day will come sooner or later so why not today right? :?
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Here's what MT is saying now. Again I take this info with a grain of salt but still take note of it in case this turns out to be true today or another day...

This MT reliability % will not go higher than 16% because to get the full 100% MT connection with my HM, that reliability % only needs to reach 15% and as I write this, I am at 14% reaching 16% in 30 minutes.

Now when I ask if I will get a 100% reliable MT in 30 minutes MT says NO because I seem to need another hour to lock in permanently to this vibration. Only then my SM will be able to talk to my HM and give me 100% reliable answers.

If this turns out to be true, I will see this evolve in about 2 hrs.

Fingers crossed.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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The 2 hrs have passed and even though I got 2 good predictions out of 30+ spins, I feel that everyone could have done this so no 100% reliable MT signal yet.

I do see a lot of close calls though so I guess I'm close to the wanted vibration. I'll let you know if things improve.

The way I see it, if MT tells me that it's "going to be reliable" in such and such time, then obviously, MT is NOT reliable RIGHT NOW so all this is probably a lie so that's why I take everything MT says about the future with a grain of salt.

However, based on past experiences, out of 10 MT answers, 9 will be lies but 1 will be a truth and THAT is why I keep asking MT. It has given me interesting tips on what to test next (ex: HM requests) that I didn't even know existed.

Also, MT is the way my HM speaks to me. Most of the time, the signal is pure crap but once in a while my HM comes through and that's when I learn some cool things so the way I see it now, maybe my HM is trying to tell me that MT is "about to become reliable" but not right now. Maybe in a couple days/weeks and it's getting close but MT will lie on it as much as it can.

So I will keep an eye on MT now and test it from time to time with roulette just to see if the MT-HM connection gets better soon.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I think that today could be the day I get my MT signal to predict roulette.

On the 1st spin MT tells me to bet #26 but #30 comes out. 30 is right next to #26 on the roulette wheel.

On the 2nd spin, MT tells me to bet #14 and... #14 comes up. :shock: :twisted:

On the 3rd spin MT tells me to bet #24 but #36 comes out. 36 is right next to #24 on the roulette wheel.

So yeah, I've never been that close before.

This could be an interesting day. 8-)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Most MT calls regarding roulette are false but at 3 occasions, MT told me to bet on #35 and I won on all 3 of them. :shock:

As I mentioned above, the #22 is next to #34 on the wheel and MT is still playing with me telling me to bet on #22 and #34 wins or to bet on #34 and the #22 wins. :roll: :lol:

Now I just played again and out of 7 spins, I won on 2 of them. :shock:

Yup something is moving here. :twisted: :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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:shock: I got a new record here :twisted:

A 4/16 done with MT. :SupNap: :SupNap:

Things are moving very well over here... 8-)

I am focusing uniquely on MT with roulette now because apparently, I need to also build this belief so I keep playing and I win more and more often so I wouldn't be surprised that I got my MT-HM-Roulette connection mastered by the end of the day but we'll see... Fingers crossed.

It's quite impressive when it works because of all the steps that are happening when I win...

My HM sees the future and know the next winning number that's about to fall and he then tells it to my SM which then sends it down to my brain which then sends an electrical signal down my nerves all the way down my arm and fingers and that little shock makes my right hand thumb contract and that tells me that it is that number (ex: 12) that I need to bet on and then seeing the diamond land on top of my fake $100 chip...wow! what a rush... :mrgreen:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Cool, another 1st, 2 good predictions in a row. :twisted: :SupNap:
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