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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:03 am
by Merlin
This is Sunday night's test results...

- Game #1: 0/16
- Game #2: 0/16
- Game #3: 0/16
- Game #4: 0/16
- Game #5: 0/16
- Game #6: 0/16
- Game #7: 0/16
- Game #8: 0/16
- Game #9: 0/16
- Game #10: 3/16

Total: 3/160

Wow! That's exactly what I want to avoid. All the wins appearing in just 1-2 games. Anyway, look at all the 0/16s and you will see that I'm still far away from my goal.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:03 am
by Perun
You really must make a HM request on MT to finally get some answers. This is getting nowhere. :roll:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:31 am
by Merlin
Perun wrote:You really must make a HM request on MT to finally get some answers. This is getting nowhere. :roll:
Well usually when I catch MT in a lie, MT is telling me that everything that was said was a lie but strangely enough, that was not the case tonight. :shock:

The part where we seem to locked in to the vibration of all our goals last Saturday seems to be true but the lie was on the the amount of time the SM had start working on it.

Apparently the 24 hrs part was the lie. It seems to take up to 4 days.

I don't have a problem believing the locking down of the vibration because I can see progress (the 5 1/16 in a row Saturday, the crazy day where I had 3 double wins and 1 triple win) but the overall 1/16 goal seems to take a lot longer than expected so maybe MT is right as to the time the SM takes before all cylinders are firing.

I don't like to chase 2 rabbits at the same time because when I do, I lose them both, I'm hesitating between asking one last time about the 1/16 goal but only ask about that goal and nothing else or ask the HM to forget about the 1/16 goal and now focus about a reliable MT signal.

I just don't want to shoot myself in the foot by switching topic after building the vibration of the 1/16 goal that high.

The SM's main focus is like a magnifying glass. If you move it all the time, the paper will never catch on fire.

I got the next 4 days to decide to continue with the 1/16 goal or switch to the reliable MT signal.

During those 4 days, it would be nice if MT is right this time and I see some nice progress on roulette. If I do then I will stick with the 1/16 goal.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:52 pm
by Merlin
Today is day 15 of the Oct. 7th (1st request), day 10 of the Oct. 12 (2nd request) and day 4 of the Oct. 18 (3rd request) HM request on clearing every LBs and adding the right PBs at the TLR and SM levels on a bunch of topics.

This is Monday 12 PM test results...

- Game #1: 1/16
- Game #2: 1/16
- Game #3: 0/16
- Game #4: 2/16
- Game #5: 0/16
- Game #6: 1/16
- Game #7: 0/16
- Game #8: 1/16
- Game #9: 0/16
- Game #10: 0/16

Yes the total is 6/160 but I won't add them up from now on because that's not what matters here. What I want to see is more and more 1/16s and less and less 0/16s.

I kinda like what I see but it's clear that my vibration has still some ways to go before I see all 1/16s.

I will redo this test every 12 hrs or so to see my evolution in vibration.

This is Monday 12 AM test results...

- Game #1: 0/16
- Game #2: 2/16
- Game #3: 0/16
- Game #4: 1/16
- Game #5: 2/16
- Game #6: 0/16
- Game #7: 0/16
- Game #8: 0/16
- Game #9: 0/16
- Game #10: 0/16

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:03 pm
by Merlin
To avoid confusing my SM, I will do the wise thing and stick with the 1/16 goal for the next 2 HM requests of October but will leave the other topics for now and only focus on the 1/16 goal.

Then, in November, if nothing worked, I will try the MT goal.

Again usually when I catch MT in a lie, most answers turned out to be a lie and MT is giving me new dates or numbers but not this time. MT is still telling me that the 1/16 will come and it should still be in October (but won't tell me when exactly).

It's getting late for the HM shift to the 5.0 track but it's still possible in October. However, the 1/16 goal better hurry up because there's a lot more to achieve then just a lousy 1/16 here.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:41 am
by Merlin
Here are the latest numbers from MT. So far 2 were accurate and the 3rd one needs to be confirmed.

We seem to manifest in 3 steps.

- Step 1: Reprogramming the TLR so that it comes down into the SM (takes 8 days)
- Step 2: Reaching and Maintaining that new vibration in 3D (takes 3 days)
- Step 3: Making the SM start to work on the manifestation of the goal (takes max 5 days)

I new that Step 1 took 8 days because day 4 is the beginning, day 6 is the peak, day 7 it's starts to fade away and day 8, that's when the HM request becomes dead. I've noticed this during the entire month of September.

The first HM request on the overall cleanup of the TLR/SM was done on Oct. 7th so add 8 days and that brings us to the 14th (Oct. 7th included) and that day, we all felt like crap confirming that our vibration was starting to change.

I believe in Step 2 taking 3 days because 3 days after Oct. 14th, that brings us to Oct. 17 and that's the day where I got my 1st 1/16 on five games in a row.

So once the reprogramming of the TLR/SM is done after 8 days or so, then 3 days to make the new vibration permanent, this is where we need to confirm Step 3's timeframe which is basically the most important timeframe because this is the time it takes for our SM to start working on the manifestation of our goal...

MT says it takes max 5 days and we are entering day 3 (Tuesday) so between now and Thursday, I should see very good roulette results.

I will follow this very closely. :geek:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:03 pm
by Merlin
Today is day 16 of the Oct. 7th (1st request), day 11 of the Oct. 12 (2nd request) and day 5 of the Oct. 18 (3rd request) HM request on clearing every LBs and adding the right PBs at the TLR and SM levels on a bunch of topics.

This is Tuesday Morning test results...

- Game #1: 1/16
- Game #2: 0/16
- Game #3: 0/16
- Game #4: 0/16
- Game #5: 0/16
- Game #6: 0/16
- Game #7: 0/16
- Game #8: 0/16
- Game #9: 0/16
- Game #10: 1/16

Yuck :?

I will update the bottom test in 12 hrs.

This is Tuesday Night test results...

- Game #1: 0/16
- Game #2: 0/16
- Game #3: 0/16
- Game #4: 0/16
- Game #5: 1/16
- Game #6: 0/16
- Game #7: 1/16
- Game #8: 0/16
- Game #9: 0/16
- Game #10: 0/16


Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:26 am
by Merlin
So today (Tuesday) was day 5 of the Oct. 18 (3rd request) HM request and usually on day 5 of an HM request we usually start to see some progress but obviously we didn't, more like the opposite with below normal odds results.

Usually this means that there are some cleaning going on that crashes my vibration but I don't feel any symptoms right now so I might be at the end of this cleanup and if this is the case, things should pick up the pace very soon.

It was also day #3 of the so called 5 days max that the SM seems to take before starting to work on the manifestation of a goal and since Wednesday will be day 4 of that 5 day sequence we will soon know how MT was reliable on that call.

It will also be day 6 of the HM request so everything points to see some movement tomorrow.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:34 pm
by Merlin
Tomorrow will be day 7 so I will be able to do another HM request this time specifically on roulette 1/16s.

There won't be any cleanup since everything should be cleaned by now. All the LBs at both the TLR and SM and the 4.8 track too should be gone and all that's missing is the PBs to get that goal and that's what this HM request should do.

7 days later, if nothing works then on Nov. 1st I will do a HM request on MT's reliable signal.

Funny coincidence, I just got a YT notification of a new Bashar seminar coming in 3 weeks titled...

Navigating the Splitting Prism of Parallel Realities :shock: :lol:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:36 pm
by AgentSmith
What was your last request on?