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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:24 pm
by AgentSmith
Merlin, are the HMR tests going anywhere?
I’ve been blasting my HM with requests, but nothing to show yet.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:57 pm
by Merlin
AgentSmith wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:24 pm Merlin, are the HMR tests going anywhere?
I’ve been blasting my HM with requests, but nothing to show yet.
HMRs are there to shift you to the track where you manifest your goal but EVEN once you are on that track, we still have our old LBs shifting us OFF the right track so at this point I don't know if we will ever manifest it or always be pushed away every time we get close to our goal.

I'm testing something new here to avoid that problem.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:37 am
by Merlin
MT dropped 2 mega bombs on me today.

In the past MT was telling me that the border between 3D and 4D was at 200,000 Hz and the 4D and 5D border was at 270,000 Hz but that was a lie.

The 270 KHz frequency is still right but it's not the 4D/5D border, it's the frequency of the 3D/4D border. :shock:

So I asked what was the frequency of the border 4D/5D border then...and got 325,000 Hz. :geek:

That made sense because the Subconscious Mind can't go higher than 325,000 Hz so if you are above that then you can manifest without your SM beliefs holding you back so it would make sense that 5D begins at this 325 vibration.

The 2nd bomb is when MT told me that my vibration coming into my head (Crown Chakra) was at 333 but the vibration coming out of my heart and solar plexus chakras that makes the reality all around me is NOT at 333,000 Hz but only at 299,000 Hz which is the vibration that the planet is at right now.

So this means that my vibration coming into my Crown Chakra is 5D (>325) but the vibration I see around me is 4D (<325).

I asked MT why I was manifesting 4D vibrations instead of 5D ones knowing that I cleared 100% of the 5D LBs?

Apparently, I only cleared 99% of the 3D LBs and 99% of the 4D LBs and until those are 100% cleared, I will not see a vibration above 325 in my reality bubble.

So I asked MT to clear the remaining 1% on the 3D and 4D that I forgot to clean and if this is true then in about 2 hours the vibration coming into my Crown Chakra and the vibration coming out of my heart and solar plexus that makes the reality all around me will all be at 333,000 Hz. :mrgreen: :twisted:

I will play roulette and let you know if this is true because if it is, I should get A LOT of wins now that I will be ABOVE my SM's beliefs.

Stay tuned, this could be a VERY INTERESTING DAY. :twisted: :SupNap:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:06 am
by VirgoShowgirl
I am more tuned than ever Merlin !!!!

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:26 am
by Merlin
VirgoShowgirl wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:06 am I am more tuned than ever Merlin !!!!
Now "of course" :roll: MT told me that even if my heart/solar plexus chakras send out a vibration >325, there are still negative entities or hidden LBs I didn't clear that could still bring me below 325 but still... at least now I know where the bug was and I need to clear everything that stops me from sending a vibration higher than 325 at the heart/solar plexus level.

Since last night I locked in to be permanently above 325,000 Hz coming out of the heart/solar plexus so that's a good thing. :twisted:

Now I just need to clear whatever's left that drops me vibration temporarily under 325 usually when I play roulette. :evil: Once I clear those, I should see 3/16s, 5/16s and up from here. :twisted:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:05 pm
by Merlin
Not sure if it's true or not but MT told me that at the beginning of the day, my vibration was at 333 but there were LBs as low as 160 that made me drop in vibration when I played roulette.

I have cleaned a lot of them and now MT is telling me that I only drop to 324 because the last LBs I have to clear are just under 325.

When those are cleared, there won't be any Lbs dropping me below 325 and at this point, I will have ascended in a sense because my SM LBs won't affect my vibration anymore. :twisted:

Joke or not, my goal is to reach and maintain my vibration above 325 KHz 24/7. If I can do that, the party will begin soon. 8-)

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:13 pm
by VirgoShowgirl
I’ll put champagne in the fridge then :lol:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:16 pm
by Merlin
VirgoShowgirl wrote: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:13 pm I’ll put champagne in the fridge then :lol:
Yeah we'll see. :mrgreen:

MT just told me that I cleared the last 324 LBs and I need to take a 90 minutes break for this to sink in.

If you guys go to bed late today you might get the surprise that we've been craving for all these years.

Fingers crossed. :SupNap:

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:10 pm
by Merlin
Here's what MT is now telling me...

I seem to have cleared everything at 320, 321, 322, 323 and 324 while playing roulette. Then I was playing and got nothing left to clear.

I asked many times over if this was a joke and got a NO every time so if this is true then I have technically "ascended" meaning that I am now permanently in 5D, above my SM's beliefs at 325,000 Hz. :twisted:

However, I was playing and wasn't winning so I asked again if this was a joke and still got a NO so I asked why I wasn't winning and the answer I got was... TIME. Meaning that I have finally arrived at the track where I will get my 16/16 and it's just a matter of time before I get it.

Between 1-48 hrs.

The speed of manifestation is based on the belief that I have so even though I don't have the negative beliefs (LBs) stopping me from manifesting my goal, in 5D, I still have belief regarding how fast I can manifest and regarding roulette, the more I win, the more I will build my belief in my HM to shift me to the moment where I manifest and right now, it's getting my 16/16 between 1-48 hrs.

Apparently the odds are now 1 win every 27 spins and that is the part that will shrink over time all the way to 1 win every 1 spin eventually.

Anyway, as usual, I will test some more and update you guys when I see something new.

Re: High Vibration HM Request

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:10 pm
by Merlin
MT is now telling me that out of these 48 hrs to manifest my goal of 16/16, only 10% of the right vibration to be at to manifest it will be reached today and the other 90% will come in the 2nd day.

It could be a joke but every time I ask if it's one I get a NO so we'll see tomorrow. :?