High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Just started a new set and again got two 0/16 to start with so I asked if I got anything left to clear and got a...NO!! :shock: :?

Apparently, I'm not in 5D until noon and because of that, my reality is still filtered by my SM and its beliefs and because I haven't locked in to the 10/160 goal which will happen around noon again, my SM is not forced to attract me this goal and can still give me crappy results. :?

All this makes sense but it sucks. It's as if I can't shake these drops in vibration, after the flowers there always seem to be a pot following next. :evil:

Anyway, I did my HMR again 1 hour ago, will do a 2nd one now to manifest my 10/160, reliable MT and permanent 50 Hz vibration goals and will do a 3rd one later on today.

Sooner or later the vibration of those goal is gonna stick. :evil:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Hopefully !!!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Hopefully !!!
Oh I have no doubt that the vibration is gonna stick one day because I don't believe in luck and just having a 10/160 would be SUPER LUCKY but to follow with a 9/160 next, it's not luck anymore it's my vibration going up.

So it's not a matter of hope but a matter of time and like you I'm just sick of all this, we (or at least I) all know its working so Mr. HM, let's get it over with, shall we? :roll:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Yes please ! More waiting, and MORE WAITING
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Yes please ! More waiting, and MORE WAITING
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe if we ask for more waiting... it's gonna stop. :mrgreen:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Go figure :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Just finished my conference, this was quite interesting, but nothing we didn’t already know except a few things, about how some implants were installed in us to block our awakening, and block the expansion of our consciousness. One of those is in the pineal gland, sounds familiar ?
I am waiting to receive all the documents from the conference by e-mail in the next days, but maybe you can ask MT about those implants and see if we can blast them ?
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Just finished my conference, this was quite interesting, but nothing we didn’t already know except a few things, about how some implants were installed in us to block our awakening, and block the expansion of our consciousness. One of those is in the pineal gland, sounds familiar ?
I am waiting to receive all the documents from the conference by e-mail in the next days, but maybe you can ask MT about those implants and see if we can blast them ?
According to MT, there are no "implants" in our bodies, that's just conspiracy crap from people who are living in fear and watch too many movies. :lol:

It is true that our pineal gland is close but it's because WE WANTED IT THAT WAY. Having a pineal gland (aka 3rd eye) opened makes you see "dead people" and other dimensions and YOU DON'T WANT THAT. Why? Because when other entities see that you can see them, they won't leave you alone. You will wake up and see your dead neighbor sitting on your bed when you wake up. Not a good feeling apparently. :lol:

That's why I asked that my HM was in charge of the activation of the pineal gland but just enough to activate the merkaba but I don't want to see my spirit guides and beings from other dimensions.

So don't worry about it. ;)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Alright guys, here's where we stand....

What I learned is that the last HMR that I did last week (on the 10/160, reliable MT signal and permanent 50 Hz vibration) was done in the 4.922 track and on that track things take a minimum of 2 weeks to work. In the 5.0 track, it takes 1 week (3 days).

I am now in the 5.0 track but I haven't locked in to it yet. It will take 1 more round of the HMR for me to lock in to the vibration of these 3 goals. It's the same for you too since we all did the 50 Hz HMR together last week, this Monday being the 2nd round.

That's why MT is telling me that I will lock in Thursday (Day 4 of this 2nd round) and the 10/160 goal will not come once in a while but on EVERY set of 10 games I play. Same thing for the 50 Hz and the 5.0. We will all lock in to it Thursday. After that point, any HMR should take 3 days to manifest.

It may be another joke but it's what I see with my roulette these days. I saw a 9 and a 10/160 but I also saw 0/16s too so I know that I am close to the 10/160 vibration but I'm not there yet so it makes sense that I will get there in just 2-3 days at the end of this 2nd round.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by justz »

Well we will know soon
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