High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Yeah that’s what I thought, same here when I use cards or a pendulum, I never can get anything about myself but never fail on other people.
Haha no please do tell !
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I think it was in 2008, my brother Claude and I visited Lyne and we were talking about what she sees and she told us that she can call in any type of guides on any topic you want, there is an "expert guide" up there to help you.

I said "...hmmm ok, prove it" :geek: :lol:

Claude was playing a game of Baccarat on her PC so I said can you call an expert on casino games and she said "we'll see...".

Then a few seconds later she saw a guide come in. He was Asian with a green visor, you know the one that accountants had in the early days.

On baccarat, it's like red or black on roulette. you have Banker and Player and you decide on which one will win next. However, on Baccarat, you have a 3rd option called "TIE" which is when both the Player and Banker have the same amount. It becomes a "TIE" and if you bet on TIE, it pays 8 to 1 but almost nobody bets on TIE because it rarely happens.

I asked Lyne if he can help us win at Baccarat and she asked him and he said YES. :twisted:

He said to Lyne, "bet on TIE". :shock:

I said, no way, TIE never happens, we'll lose... but he insisted so Claude bet on TIE and... TIE WON!!! :shock: :o

Then Lyne said "bet on TIE again". :shock:

I said, Wait...WHAT?? :evil: No way, this shit barely wins now you think it'll win again... anyway Claude bet on TIE again and... HE WON AGAIN.

WTF!!! :shock: :o :shock:

Then Lyne went back to the kitchen and then screamed to us ".... he wants you to bet on TIE again". :shock:

This time I shut my big mouth and watched Claude bet again on TIE and guess what happened :roll:

Yup... TIE won...AGAIN! :shock: :o :shock:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

But wait for the 2nd part hehe :lol: :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Being the left brainer that I am, I started calculating the odds of winning 3 TIEs in a row and it was 1 in 729. Quite impressive I must say.

So I asked Claude and Lyne... Do we go to the casino? :twisted:

They said yes so we jumped in my car and went there.

I had about $200 of green chips worth $25 each.

That's when Lyne's Money LBs started to influence Mr. Tie's calls.

She told me to bet and I did with a $25 and... we lost. :(

She told me to bet again on TIE and I placed $50 and... we lost again. :(

I started to have doubts now and was willing to try one more time but I told her to try to "be sure this time" because it's costing me quite a bit here.

It took a while and then I saw her EYES opening up like she won the lottery, jumping in excitement, "This is it... it's coming next, it's the next one".. :shock:

I said "heu...ok" so I decided to play $100 and now EVERYONE at the table looked at me like I was the village idiot even the dealer because NOBODY places more than $5 on TIE because again, it NEVER happens so to bet $100, you have to be nuts. :lol: :lol:

Guess what happened next? :lol:

The dealer gives the Player and Banker some cards and the total was 6 for the Player and the banker had a total of... 6 so we had a TIE.

We won $800... YEAH BABY! :lol: :lol: :twisted: :SupNap: :SupNap:

Everybody was freaking out at the casino, the players around the table were all happy and congratulating us for the win. The dealer and I were stunned but Lyne was jumping all over the place proud of her Mr. TIE guide.

I have to say that this day at the casino, she made a believer out of me regarding spirit guides. They REALLY do exist. Sadly though, we tried it again but the connection was gone due most probably to my and her Money LBs. :roll:

But it was a fun time for us. We will never forget this night at the casino. :lol: :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Oh wow that’s a great story !
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

:lol: :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is test #2 for today...

- 1st game: 0/16
- 2nd game:0/16
- 3rd game: 0/16
- 4th game: /16
- 5th game: /16
- 6th game: /16
- 7th game: /16
- 8th game: /16
- 9th game: /16
- 10th game:/16

The total is /160
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is test #3 for today...

- 1st game: 0/16
- 2nd game:0/16
- 3rd game: 0/16
- 4th game: /16
- 5th game: /16
- 6th game: /16
- 7th game: /16
- 8th game: /16
- 9th game: /16
- 10th game:/16

The total is /160
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Yaaaay !!!! The cough is gone !!!!!
But I woke up with a swollen red eye. Creativity level : Master :roll:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Creativity level : Master :roll:

Yup, you got that right! This forum has reached a level of mastery for giving ourselves for years now some nasty symptoms.
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