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Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:15 pm
by Raiko
Also,this goes in hand with something I heard Bashar said while I was reading a topic here a few weeks ago.Basically,it was along the lines of Manifesting not being the ability to bring something TO life,but realizing it's already there (the whole "what will be is here" kind of thing).Could one goes as far as to say that it would be smart to shift to a vibrational frequency/Reality where you're affected by NAP's everytime?I think that it isn't the NAP's that are doing the work,but the faith you have in them. ... 6&start=20" onclick=";return false;

In the link,Merlin talked about an Alien Race and trying to contact them through an NAP.He said that he wasn't able to do it because either:the NAP didn't work,or because it was blocked between the Subc and Conscious Mind due to it being "too good to be true".One could say that this is probably the cause to most delays with NAP's (not doing it wrong,but having little faith in it to begin with).Just something to think about.

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:18 pm
by Raiko
And Monster,I think that the kind of Physical Focus he spoke of was the "gap".The gap is basically something you experience in Meditation.When Meditation gurus say "have no thoughts" they don't mean stop thinking.They mean have no thoughts/feelings about what goes through your head.The gap is the space between thoughts.If you start counting like "1,2,3,4.." and by a specific number you are already out of focus with it and you realize it,you in a sense,slip into the gap.I can't explain it,but when you do there are no thoughts/emotions.Meditating is easier than people think XD.It's hard to explain (didn't get it myself til I started practicing).

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:23 pm
by Raiko
Just search up "the gap between thoughts"

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:32 pm
by Merlin
Raiko wrote:One could say that this is probably the cause to most delays with NAP's (not doing it wrong,but having little faith in it to begin with).Just something to think about.
No need to think about it, we have known this for many years now that the BELIEF Pillar is among the reasons why we do not manifest our goal.


This is why I have recommended for while now to start with smaller goals that we believe in instead of always shooting for the moon.


Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:59 pm
by Merlin
I finally found that sample and posted in on my Youtube Channel.

This is what I just uploaded...[/youtube]


Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:18 pm
by Raiko
O.O.Wow.But,does anyone find it strange that Bashar's channeler hasn't applied any of this that he's learned from Bashar?He's still at our level technically (or maybe it's just that we see him from OUR level and in his level he already is at Bashar's level).

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:19 pm
by Raiko
By level,I mean to see Perception/Reality.The whole"everyone around you is a copy in your Reality thing".Of course he won't apply none of this cause technically we can't shift our own individual vibrations to see it happen.Hm,maybe I answered my own question.

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:23 pm
by Merlin
Raiko wrote:Hm,maybe I answered my own question.
:lol: :lol: exactly. ;)

You can only see YOUR VERSION of them but you have no clue as to what they are doing in THEIR REALITY.

Maybe Darryl is dead in his reality or lucid dreaming or whatever, we just don't know. :?


Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:28 pm
by Raiko
Hm...I wonder.Right now,I theorize we are all in the "learning" Vibration (we feel as though we have much to learn and study),therefore we attract more info,but we never actually get any real "application".If we shift into a "applying" Vibration I predict that what we learned,whether it's true or false,will wind up being true to US because we shifted our Beliefs to make it so.Merlin,I believe that if we stay and feel as if we're "almost there/close to our goal",we'll just attract MORE of that feeling,rather than the actual end result.This whole "in the now" stuff has way more depth than most give credit.

Re: Bashar on Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:36 pm
by Merlin
Raiko wrote:If we shift into a "applying" Vibration I predict that what we learned,whether it's true or false,will wind up being true to US because we shifted our Beliefs to make it so.
Raising asap our vibration has always been the main goal here because this is where ALL our goals are located. But this is easier said than done.

if you find a way to boost our vibration higher and faster then post it here NOW.
