High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Oh COME ON !!!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Oh COME ON !!!
:lol: :lol:

What...did you really think they were gonna make easy on us? ;)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Lyne »

Hello everyone,

I guess we have to be patient a little bit more :D

I believe in YOU Merlin... always did

Have wonderful weekend :SupNap:

Lyne :)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Well, guess not :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Here's what MT is telling me now...

Even though the SM and HM levels are now cleared of LBs, my vibration is still low because my Soul and Oversoul levels are still infected by those millions of LBs.

This act like a brake and were still holding me back from going back up in vibration. So those LBs at the Soul and Oversoul levels all need to go and that's the first step, removing the brake so to speak. Because I did my 3 requests earlier today to clear them, this low vibration that act like brakes will all be gone in about 3 hrs (9 PM Est.).

Next, in a scale from 0 to 100 where 100 is the vibration I need to be at to manifest the 1/16 goal MT is telling me that I'm at 33% ending the day at 36% and tomorrow night at 68%. I will reach and lock to that 1/16 goal vibration Sunday noon. Then my SM will start manifesting this in 3D.

The full manifestation will occur Wednesday when all the brakes will be removed at all levels (SM, HM, Soul and Oversoul), when I have reached and locked in to the 1/16 goal and when my SM will have fully manifested that goal.

So starting this weekend, I should see some 10/160s and they will increase in number after I lock in to that goal's vibration.

So yeah I get it, it sucks to clear again but if its really the last few days of the 4.5 track dragged LBs, why would risk it and not do this HMR aimed at your Soul and Oversoul posted above?

Once again, you got nothing to lose and MILLIONS of LBs to clear removing this brake they have on your manifestations.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is test #3 for today...

- 1st game: 0/16
- 2nd game:1/16
- 3rd game: 0/16
- 4th game: 0/16
- 5th game: /16
- 6th game: /16
- 7th game: /16
- 8th game: /16
- 9th game: /16
- 10th game:/16

The total is /160
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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This is test #4 for today... just because it's passed 9 PM and I wanna see if MT was right when it said that after 9, ALL the LBs on all 4 levels will be gone.

- 1st game: 2/16
- 2nd game:2/16
- 3rd game: 0/16
- 4th game: 1/16
- 5th game: 0/16
- 6th game: 0/16
- 7th game: 1/16
- 8th game: 1/16
- 9th game: 1/16
- 10th game:0/16

The total is 8/160

Not bad. 8-)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is day 6 of the 7th round of the Overhaul HMR, 1/16 and reliable MT signal goals.

Let's see what kind of up and down cycles I get today.

This is test #1 for today...

- 1st game: 0/16
- 2nd game:1/16
- 3rd game: 0/16
- 4th game: 1/16
- 5th game: 1/16
- 6th game: 1/16
- 7th game: 0/16
- 8th game: 1/16
- 9th game: 0/16
- 10th game:0/16

The total is 5/160
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

What MT is telling me now is that after the clearing of all LBs on all 4 levels, the next step is to boost back up my overall vibration and this is why my roulette results won't be very good this weekend because whether we go up or down in vibration, that's never good for us, we get all kinds of symptoms and as long as our vibration will be changing, we won't be able to manifest anything at all.

So it's patience as usual and wait that the vibration settles.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I'm getting very interesting info now regarding HMRs.

As you know, I did yesterday a MT/EC cleanup session aimed at my Soul and Oversoul to clear the remaining LBs at their level and the msg that I got was that I only needed to do 3 rounds of cleaning and no more rounds today or tomorrow.

I thought this was a joke so I asked today if it was a joke and I was expecting a msg like "Yeah it was a joke, you need to do more clearing today" but it didn't come. Apparently those 3 rounds I did yesterday were enough to clear those last LBs.

What I'm getting now is that MT is telling me that I can do the same thing with adding PBs to manifest goals. :shock:

From what I get, now that all the LBs are gone, we would only need to do 3 reps of HMRs and do it only on ONE DAY instead of doing the regular 4 reps a day repeated for 3 days in a row that we were doing before the end of the Overhaul cleanup.

So that's what I did today. I did a MT/EC session to manifest my 1/16 goal and reliable MT and after 3 rounds I was told that I didn't need to do another round rep today and no other rounds tomorrow either. :shock:

I will follow this very closely in the next few hours because my 1/16 goal could come a few days earlier if it turns out to be true.

What that would do is shrink the HMR round to 3 days instead of 7 days and we would need between 1-2 rounds to manifest a goal.

So if you did yesterday the HMR aimed at your Soul and Oversoul to clear the remaining LBs and did 3 reps of those then you can do the same regarding a goal that you want to manifest right now.
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